Dr. Parvinder Singh Assumes Charge

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Feb.15 :   Dr. Parvinder Singh has officially taken charge as the regular principal of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College, Mahilpur, which operates under the management of the Sikh Educational Council. He was selected for this position through an interview conducted by the joint selection panel of the Punjab Government and Punjab University, Chandigarh. Prior to this, he was serving as the acting principal of the college.
Dr. Parvinder Singh assumed his responsibilities in the presence of officials from the Sikh Educational Council. On this occasion, he paid his respects at the Gurudwara Sahib and participated in a prayer for the prosperity of the institution. He expressed his pride in being associated with Khalsa College Mahilpur as a student, teacher, and now as the principal. He also extended his gratitude to the college’s administrative committee.
On this occasion, Sikh Educational Council President Sant Sadhu Singh Kaharpur, Patron Dr. Jung Bahadur Singh Rai, Manager Inderjit Singh Bharta, and General Secretary Prof. Apinder Singh congratulated him.
The event was attended by several distinguished guests, including Patron Dr. Jung Bahadur Singh Rai, Manager Inderjit Singh Bharta, Secretary Prof. Apinder Singh, Senior Vice President Gurpreet Singh Bains, Virender Sharma, Wing Commander Hardev Singh Dhillon, Kulwant Singh Sangha, Surinder Sharma, Daljit Singh Bains, Davinder Singh Bains, and other notable personalities.

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