Eye donation awareness seminar held

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha , Sept 09 :   A seminar was organized at Rayat Bahra Institute of Pharmacy, Hoshiarpur as part of the eye donation awareness campaign. The aim of the seminar was to motivate people to donate their eyes after death and spread awareness about the need for eye transplantation.
Principal Dr Maninder Singh Grover said on the occasion, “Eye donation is an important step to eradicate blindness.” Head of the Department Dr Amit Sharma motivated the students to actively participate in the campaign and said, “Eye donation can bring light to someone’s life, and it is a great act of service to the society.” More than 150 students attended the seminar and understood the importance of eye donation. Prof Simarjit Kaur co-ordinated the seminar.
On this occasion, apart from Baljeet Singh, Harbhajan Singh, Sarwan Singh, Tilak Raj Saini, Santosh Saini, Surjan Nain Kaur, Kanchan Deol, Harvinder Singh and Jasbir Kaur from Eye Donation Association Hoshiarpur, the entire staff of the college were present.

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