“Heavenly Palace” provides World-Class Facilities

Special Awareness Meeting with Senior Citizens Welfare Council, Hoshiarpur
Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha /Jan.21 :  The Senior Citizens Welfare Council, Hoshiarpur, organized a meeting at Basant Vihar under the leadership of the Council President, Retired Brigadier Surjit Singh and Harbans Singh Kamal. The meeting aimed to raise awareness about the world-class “Heavenly Palace” Senior Citizen Home, located in Doraha (District Ludhiana), and the services provided by the “Dream and Beauty Charitable Trust” for society. Assistant General Manager Mr. Varinder was invited as a guest for the occasion.
While sharing information about “Heavenly Palace,” Mr. Varinder explained that it is operated under the Dream and Beauty Charitable Trust, established by successful Indian-American entrepreneur Mr. Anil Monga. He mentioned that this luxurious senior citizen home, spread across 14 acres near the Doraha canal, is dedicated to serving society. It offers five-star facilities for senior citizens, retired officials, and elderly Non-Resident Indians (NRIs).
Mr. Varinder further highlighted the trust’s initiatives, such as “Heavenly Angels,” which provides education, sports, and exceptional facilities to orphaned children. Additionally, under the “Brahm Bhoj” program, thousands of needy individuals are provided free nutritious meals daily. Services for homeless elderly people will soon be initiated, and the construction of the dedicated building for this purpose has already been completed.
All attendees praised the humanitarian services of the Dream and Beauty Charitable Trust. Mr. Varinder also informed that “Heavenly Palace” features a world-class auditorium with a seating capacity of 400, available for use at highly affordable rates.
During the meeting, Council member Harbans Singh Kamal was congratulated on his birthday. Furthermore, Baljit Singh Panesar raised awareness about posthumous eye donation.
The event was graced by Deputy Mayor of Hoshiarpur Ranjit Kaur, Council Secretary Suraj Prakash Anand, and members including Surinder Singh, Joga Singh, Prem Kahlon, Prem Sukh, Manjit Singh, Dr. Jasbir Singh Parmar, Surinder Pal Singh, Jai Prakash, Anil Kumar, Diwan Chand, Bhupinder Singh, Tarsem Singh, Chaman Lal, Ranjit Chaudhary, Inderpreet Singh, Daljit Singh, Mahinder Singh, Kulwinder Singh, Mohan Lal, Pradeep, Baljit Singh, Omkar Singh, Vijay Kumar, Satpal, Mr. Bharwal, and other senior citizens.

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