If the Vastu of the


If the Vastu of the building is correct then it will turn your luck into a philosopher’s stone _Dr. Bhupender Vastushastr
Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/March 5 :  Just as iron turns into gold as soon as it comes in contact with the philosopher’s stone similarly if the Vastu of our building is correct then every person living there will be filled with positive energy. A person living in a house with correct Vastu remains physically, mentally, socially and financially capable. A building constructed following the general principles of Vastu will make you as radiant and valuable as gold. Whatever work you put your hands on will be completed. Difficulty will turn into simplicity.
While constructing a building, all the units from the size of the plot, Panch tatvas, internal Vastu, external Vastu, Brahma, lineage, rope, Moses, direction, part, door, threshold, slope, trees and plants to colour should be done in a well planned manner. Along with this, the qualities and religion of the forty-five deities seated in the Vastu Purush Mandal, the Panch tatvas should be properly adjusted. The slope of the land should be towards the north, east and north-east i.e. north-east corner. Underground water source should also be in the north-east corner. Keep the east direction more empty, light and well-lit. The south direction should be heavy and elevated. Fire related work and kitchen should be in the south-east corner. Keep the west direction less open than the east. The main door should be as per Vastu. Also, keep in mind that the main door of the house should not be in any corner. If the building is constructed keeping these things in mind, then every person living there is lucky. One can brighten his luck like the Philosopher’s Stone.


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