Role of Panchayats is important


Deputy Speaker addressed Panchayats of Garhshankar during drug awareness camp

Hoshiarpur/Garhshankar/Daljeet Ajnoha /Jan.3 : Deputy Speaker Punjab Jai Krishan Singh Rouri while addressing the drug awareness camp organized at Gurdwara Sahib in village Mehtabpur of Garhshankar said that the Punjab government is continuously taking strong steps to make the state drug free. He said that the positive results of this campaign are now coming to the fore. Roudhi stressed that the role of village panchayats is very important in the prevention of drug abuse. He appealed to the Panchayats to understand their moral responsibility and ensure that the youth of the village are not misled and stay away from drug addiction.

The Deputy Speaker said that the strict steps taken for the prevention of drug abuse in the last two and a half years under the leadership of Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann are historic. He said that the government is running awareness campaigns by reaching out to villages and localities, so that every person can become a part of this campaign. He said that the aim of the government is to realize the dream of “Rangla Punjab”, and for this the energy of the youth is being channelized in sports and other positive activities.

The Deputy Speaker said that while the government is committed to the rehabilitation of the youth trapped in the clutches of drugs, it is leaving no stone unturned to take strict action against those involved in drug trafficking. Addressing the Sarpanchs and Panchs of the group villages, he said that the responsibility of the Panchayats is not limited only to the development of the village, but the Panchayats also have the moral responsibility to save the youth from drug addiction. He said that the Panchayats should cooperate with the government in this fight against drug addiction and promote awareness campaigns in the villages.

On this occasion, the youth who gave up drug addiction and made a new beginning shared their experiences. They told how they came out of the clutches of drugs and gave a new direction to their lives. Appreciating the efforts of these youth, the Deputy Speaker said that they will become a source of inspiration for other youth. The deputy speaker finally said that the dream of a drug-free Punjab will come true only when the government, panchayats and the general public together make this campaign a success.

On this occasion, SDM Garhshankar Harbans Singh, SP Major Singh and DSP Garhshankar Jaspreet Singh, OSD Charanjit Singh Channi, BDPO Manjinder Kaur, besides officers from other departments were also present.


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