Special tour program organized for

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha /Dec 03 :   A special tour program was organized at Rayat Bahra Education City under the 18th All India Cultural Festival of the Deaf 2024 organized by All India Arts and Cultural Society New Delhi. The event was hosted by MNS Skill India. Members of the Deaf community were exposed to the state-of-the-art computer labs, library and other facilities located in the campus.
 Presiding over the event, former MP Avinash Rai Khanna said that such events give the members of the Deaf community an opportunity to showcase their talents and abilities. Also, they play an important role in promoting equality and inclusiveness in society.
Campus Director Dr. Chander Mohan while welcoming all the guests said that Rayat Bahra Group has always been committed to social and educational development. He appreciated this inspiring event for the Deaf community and assured to continue supporting such events in future as well.
A breakfast was also arranged for the members of the Deaf community who came on this occasion.

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