Voluntary Blood Donation Camp was

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Jan.15 :  Under the supervision of SSP Hoshiarpur, Shri Surender Lamba IPS and the leadership of Dr. Aasheesh Mehan Medical Officer In-Charge, Police Hospital, a Voluntary Blood Donation Camp was successfully organized today from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Police Hospital, Police Lines Hoshiarpur. The camp supported by Saanjh Kender, PS Sadar Hoshiarpur and the Blood Bank team from Civil Hospital Hoshiarpur led by Dr. Gurika BTO, collected a total of 45 units of blood mostly from police employees.
The event began with a welcome and felicitation of the Chief Guest Surender Lamba, IPS and the Special Guest, Dr. Swati Sheemar SMO In-Charge Civil Hospital by the Dr. Manpreet Shinhmar DSP (HQ) Hoshiarpur and Medical Officer District Police Key contributors included Surinderpaljit Singh (Pharmacy Officer), ASI Tarlochan Sharma, CT Parampreet Singh, and Blood Bank staff Harjit Singh, Sandeep Singh, Kamalpreet Kaur, Mr. Karan, and Rohit. The Saanjh Kender team ledy by SI Sanjeev Kumar also played an essential role in the event’s success.
SSP Hoshiarpur lauded the police employees commitment to community welfare and praised the efforts of the organizing teams. Dr. Swati Sheemar appreciated the smooth execution of the camp and assured continued support for future health programs. Donors were honored with medals, certificates, and refreshments, fostering a sense of pride and motivation among participants.
Dr. Aasheesh Mehan expressed heartfelt gratitude to the dignitaries, donors, organizing staff members and media for their invaluable contributions. This initiative highlights the Punjab Police’s dedication to community service and saving lives through voluntary blood donation.

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