A Blood Donation Camp was

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Nov.29 :  A Blood Donation Camp was organized at Panjab University Swami Sarvanand Giri Regional Center (PUSSGRC), Hoshiarpur, in collaboration with the Civil Hospital, NSS Unit PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur and a team of medical professionals. The camp aimed to raise awareness about the importance of blood donation and to encourage students, faculty, and staff to contribute to this noble cause.
The event was inaugurated by Professor H.S Bains, Director, PUSSGRC; Mr. Pankaj Sharma, Deputy Vice President HDFC Bank Hoshiarpur and Faculty, NSS Unit PUSSGRC who highlighted the life-saving impact of blood donation and appreciated the enthusiasm of the volunteers. The camp saw active participation from students, faculty members, and staff.
A team of certified medical professionals from Civil Hospital, Hoshiarpur and paramedics conducted the blood collection process, ensuring safety and hygiene at every step. Donors were given proper guidance and care during and after the donation process. Refreshments and certificates of appreciation were provided to all participants as a token of gratitude.
The event was a resounding success, collecting a significant amount of blood that will benefit patients in need. The NSS committee, along with volunteers, played a vital role in organizing the camp and assisting donoers. The Blood Donation Camp reinforced the importance of community service and strengthened the spirit of compassion and responsibility among participants.

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