Rajiv Walia tried to promote


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/March 9 :  A program was organized by the Youth Sports Welfare Board. Retired IG Surinder Singh Sodhi attended the program as the chief guest. In this program, Paramjit Singh was appointed Joint Secretary (Social Welfare Committee Kapurthala Youth Sports Welfare Board). On this occasion, retired IG Surinder Singh Sodhi and Youth Sports Welfare Board Chairman Rajiv Walia honored Paramjit Singh by giving him the appointment letter and wished him all the best. S. Surinder Singh Sodhi said that the campaign launched by Rajiv Walia to encourage the youth to play sports to keep them away from drugs is making today’s young generation move ahead in sports and is getting far away from the disease of drug addiction. He requested all the parents to encourage their children to participate in sports along with studies. Youth Sports Welfare Board Chairman Rajiv Walia while addressing Surinder Singh Sodhi thanked him for taking out time from his precious time for us and said that only with your support we can encourage today’s youth to participate in sports and save their future. Gurpreet Singh, Gurcharan Singh, Parwinder Singh, Pradeep Kumar, Sukhdeep Singh Bajwa, Balwinder Singh, Sanjeev Walia, Gaurav Kumar were present on this occasion.


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