Two days lecture series on ‘’

 Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha /Sepi.23 :  Professor Navneet Arora from UILS, Panjab University, Chandigarh was the Resource Person. Dr Sunaina, Coordinator (Law) and Convenor and Dr DeepChand (Co-convenor) welcomed the guest with a sapling as a mark of sustainable future and commitment to preserve the mother planet. The event began with the lighting of the lamp. Prof Navneet delivered a lively discourse on ‘’Law in  our lives”. She highlighted the relationship between law and society which is dynamic and reciprocal, deeply interwined with cultural, historical, religious and social dimensions. The speaker quoted various examples from within the society such as farmers’ protest, Nirbhaya case, R G Kar Hospital case etc and explained the role of law in one’s life in detail. Prof. Navneet satisfied the queries of students in the Open House Discussion in the end and made the talk more interactive and lively.  In the end the convenors presented a memento to the guest and proposed vote of thanks.

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