Unity in Dalits key to

Sampla calls upon Dalit samaj to rise above sectarian politics,  *Mahaparinirvarn Diwas of Dr BR Ambedkar observed*
 Jalandhar/Hoshiarpur/ Dec 6/Daljeet Ajnoha  : Our Dalit brothers, who have got left behind in society due to our failure to give positive political, religious and administrative environment, should be brought forth. It is our duty towards the society to hold their hands and help them move forward.
The former chairman National Commission for Schedule Castes and Dalit Chetna Manch Chairman Vijay Sampla said while addressing the Dalit Maha panchayat held on the occasion of Mahaparinirvarn Diwas of Dr BR Ambedkar.
Taking leaf from the life of Dr Ambekar, Sampla said Dr Ambedkar could have garnered all kinds of facilties, but he dedicated his life to not only the Dalit community but to the entire nation. He called upon everyone to safeguard the principles of Baba Saheb Ambedkar.
Laying emphasis on need of unity in the Dalit community, Sampla said while the problems of Dalit were on rise, all of us are busy being divided into Ravidasiyas, Valmikis and Kabirpanthis. We should rise above the sectarian thinking and unify as one single force to ensure equal rights for all Dalits.
He added that Dalits of Punjab were facing same problems as the Dalits of Tamil Nadu, Gujrat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir or any other place in country. Similarly, the Ravidasiyas, Balmikis, Kabirpanthis and others too were facing same problems as Dhanak, Mahadasha and Baazigar people. All these problems require concerted efforts to resolve them.
Sampla said that Dalit samaj needs to strengthen its unity as those in govenrment or private services were facing atrocities. Similarly, people were facing lot of social maladies and faced ban to large extent on the religious front. He attributed surmounting problems to poor political hold and poor Dalit leadership.
Sampla pressed upon for unity in diversity to resolve the issues and put a united front. He called upon people from Dalit Chetna Manch to unite together and fight for their cause.

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