Voting remains peaceful at all 205

Lauds voters and poll staff for smooth, free & fair conduct of voting
48.01 voting percentage recorded till 5 pm
Hoshiarpur/Nov. 20/Daljeet Ajnoha :   Deputy Commissioner-cum-District Election Officer Komal Mittal on Wednesday expressed gratitude to the voters of Chabbewal constituency for accomplishing entire voting process in a smooth and peaceful manner.
 Accompanied by SSP Surendra Lamba, Deputy Commissioner while visiting different polling stations also lauded the poll staff and security personnel for ensuring free, fair and transparent voting process. She said that the EVMs had been submitted by the poll staff at designated location for counting center at local Rayat Bahra Group of Institute. The counting will be held on November 23 i.e. Saturday for which the necessary arrangments are being put in place so that smotth conduct of counting could be ensured, she added.
 The Deputy Commissioner mentioned that the voting remained completely peaceful at all 205 polling stations in the constituency and 48.01 percentage of voting was recorded till 5:00 pm.
 Pertinently, the voter turnout at 09:00 am was 4.15 % followed by 12.71 % at 11:00 am while 27.97 at 1:00 pm whereas the voter turnout at 3:00 pm was 40.25. The final count of percentage will be declared after completion of entire voting process.
 Giving information about the security arrangments, SSP Surendra Lamba pointed out that adequate security arrangements were made in the constituency. He said that no incident of law & order situation was reported besides receving no complaints related to voting process. He said more than 1300 security personnel including 650 in Chabbewal were deployed to maintain law & order. He also commended the poll and security personnel for performing their duties with professional commitment and utmost dedication which led to free, fair and transparent election.

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