Plots registration to be done


Hoshiarpur/ Feb 28/Daljeet Ajnoha :  Deputy Commissioner Aashika Jain on Friday said that the Punjab Government had extended the timeline to August 31, 2025 for registration of plots upto 500 sq yards in unauthorized colonies without No Objection Certificate.

Earlier, the deadline for registration of such plots was February 28, 2025 and in view of the public demand to extend the timeline, the state government had fixed the new deadline from March 1 to August 31,2025. The Housing and Urban Development department has issued a notification in this regard.

The Deputy Commissioner said that any person, who entered into an agreement or power of attorney to sell on stamp paper or having any registered documents, could get registration of their plots before August 31, 2025 without furnishing N.O.C.
She stated that the directions had been issued to all revenue officials to ensure compliance of the orders in true spirit.


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